When I was trying to decide on a career path, I had a lot of doubts about my abilities🤔 Marketing had always interested me, but I wasn't sure if I had the creativity or communication skills for it. I was scared of taking a risk and failing. But my dad👨🏻 gave me some amazing advice that really stuck with me:
'Do what you love. Every career is difficult and requires hard work, but if you're doing something you're passionate about, it won't feel like work.'

That night🌃, I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. I realized that marketing was the path I wanted to take, and I'm so glad I did🥳 It's not about having a skill to be successfull in a field, it's about how passionate you are to learn that skill. I hope that my experience in choosing a career path can inspire you as this is one of the most difficult and important decisions to take as a student🤝
Whenever I feel stuck somewhere I remember my father’s advice💭 of following my heart and it somehow works every time.
Inspiring stuff!👍 It's true that passion fuels success!😀✨